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It's a (Gourmet Leadership) celebration

Feb 24, 2023
Book cover of Gourmet Leadership over a yellow background with stars

Today marks one year since many of you gathered in a virtual celebration for the launch of my book!

Now, on its first birthday, I am so excited to share even more "Gourmet Leadership" goodies!

In just a few weeks, I will launch The Gourmet Leadership Experience. Part online course, part leadership journey, this immersive digital experience serves up the right "ingredients" to help you navigate today's changing and challenging workplaces.

Whether that's remote or hybrid work, retention and wellbeing, quiet quitting, or empathetic leadership, this course delivers a must-have training experience for leaders at all levels in every industry. And I can't wait to share it with you.


Are you ready to be a gourmet leader?

Then let's find the perfect mix of leadership services to bring out your best.

Contact Carolyn